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Lawless Publications | Think different, act different
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A Slave Ship Called Jesus: This book offers answers to many awkward questions surrounding the slave trade: the role of the Church; comparisons between the European and Arab trade; the real reasons for Abolition and the effect of the trade on Africa today and on modern race relations.
coming soon
Fifty Years A Briton (the conclusion of ‘The Law, The Lawyers and The Lawless’) On a date now forgotten in November, 1969, a young boy, then aged seven was put on board a British Overseas Airways Corporation flight that was departing Lagos for London at 09.45 hours. This was the beginning of a fifty year adventure in British territorial waters that would see him looking at Britain from the inside out and seeing his homeland from the outside in; lifting the veil over both countries. The characters and the dramas in this pioneering and never to be repeated journey are breath-taking will leave the reader wondering whether this autobiographical work belongs in the fiction or non-fiction collection.
The Life and Times of Mrs Evelyn Ene: an autobiography of a woman who survived the bullets, bombs and starvation of the Biafran War. The story takes us through the years of hope and glory in Eastern Nigeria, from when Christianity is first brought to her Igbo people by Missionaries, to the years of death and despair in the most brutal war aided and abetted by the Prime Minister of the land from whence the Missionaries had come.
A brief, beautifully illustrated history of Africa in relation to the World, tracing the arrival of European and Arab civilisations and their impact on the people of Africa. The book is suitable reading for all age groups
Ostrich Nation: Nigeria is like no other country in the world and Nigerians sometimes behave like no other people on this planet. Made in Britain in 1914 by the cobbling together of many different nations, tongues and faiths, the country and its people are as entertaining as they can be frustrating while the country’s wealth and the sheer numbers of its peoples combine to ensure that it is never far from the international headlines. October 1, 2010 marked the fiftieth anniversary of the date on which Britain declared Nigeria to be an independent country to find its own place in the history books. This book is a satirical report on the first fifty years of bedlam.
A Fatherless People: The Secret Story of How the Nigerians Missed the Road to the Promised Land tells the story of Nigeria, from its early conceptualisation by British colonialists in the aftermath of the abolition of the slave trade, up to the present day.
Even as the sun has set on the British Empire one legacy that has waxed stronger in the former colonies is the English language. Aided and abetted by the growth of popular music and Premiership football, it continues to pull the people of the former empire, their children and their children’s children, towards the British Isles in pursuit of the model life that empire had sown in their minds. The ultimate life model is that of the men and women in the white wigs and black robes doing battle in the courtrooms to distinguish the lawful from the lawless. This is an autobiographical account of a journey that began immediately post-Empire from the rainforest of West Africa to the English Bar; a journey from one world to a complete other in the mould of the adventures of Livingstone, Stanley and Mungo Park but only in reverse.
Lawless Publications Limited
3 Angel Gate
326 City Road London EC1V 2PT
Why Schools of Economics and Political Science Should be Closed Down: In this excellent little book, John Papworth goes to the very root of the problem to explain how we the people have all been led to trade in the wisdom of ages encompassed in Aristotle’s theory of scale for the shallow modern philosophy of ‘just follow the money’. The book juxtaposes the teachings of the ancient thinkers that put the human being at the centre of economic and political theories, against the teachings of the modern schools of economics and political science that have made ‘the market’ the central focus. Against the backdrop of a constant cycle of spectacular booms and equally spectacular busts across the globe, he invites the conclusion that the best way forward is to retrace our steps. This is a work of the finest advocacy in which every line challenges the reader to agree or to disagree and, in either case, most passionately.
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